Roger Moore, Cigar Aficionado

Roger Moore was my favorite James Bond. He had the role from when I was a young kid all the way through to my teens. I think his Bond movies were, if not the the best of them, the most campy and fun. I remember watching them on the ABC Sunday Night Movie. This was before home video and streaming so if you wanted to watch something you had to see it when first released to the movie theaters or wait until it was on TV. Mr. Moore looks great with a cigar. Roger Moore was a cigar enthusiast in real life. Prior to Moore taking over the role of James Bond the character of the spy was played by Sean Connery. In the Connery films Bond was portrayed as a light cigarette smoker in contrast to the heavy smoker of the novels. It's said Moore did this to differentiate his version of the character from Connery's. It is said Moore asked for unlimited access to cigars on the set of the Bond movies. In the above photo Moore is shown as Bond lighting up a Montecristo No. 1.