
Showing posts from June, 2024

First Full Day of Vacation

Saturday, June 15, 2024 My new Old Fashioned glass arrived with the mail this morning. Couldn't wait to fill it with an Old Fashioned.  Lunch with Noel at W.A. Frost in St. Paul. Picked up some cigars at Stogies On Grand including a couple Camachos, my new favorite. Lot's of rain today. Set up in the garage around 5 pm.  The rain prevented Marcia, the evil Cockapoo next door, from being outside. Andrea got some kind of clicker that emits a high frequency tone that only Marcia can hear. She clicks it when the dog starts barking and it startles her and quiets her down so Andrea can tell her to stop. It's somewhat effective. However, it's nice to get a break and not have to listen to her at all. The sound of the rain was so relaxing.  I really need to working on straightening out this garage but I'm not gonna worry about that right now. We've gotten so much rain this spring and it's nice to see everything so lush and green.                        Seventy degree

Last Day of Schooll

Friday, June 14, 2024 Last day of school for one of the toughest years in recent memory.  Turned in my keys and checked out by 4 p.m. Poured some wine and lit up a little cigar as soon as I got home.  Hopefully next year will be my last as a full-time teacher.