
Showing posts from July, 2022

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 21

Thursday, July 21, 2021 Another beautiful day to sit in the yard.  Listened to music.   And enjoyed the beautiful warm, sunny, clear day. 

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 19

At the end of this week I'll be halfway through my summer break. I'm trying to enjoy the weather and take advantage of the time off.  It's warm but pleasant in the shade. Listening to ABBA's recent album. I remember listening to ABBA The Album a ton back in the summer of 1977. 

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 18

Monday, July 18, 2022 Whoa, it was a hot one today.  It was supposed to get up to 97 but officially we made it to 95.  I didn't think it felt too bad and sat outside in the shade.  When Dale got home from work I was finishing up my cigar. I told him I didn't think it felt that humid but he told me the dewpoint was actually at 65.  There was a gentle steady breeze so I guess with that and sitting in the shade I felt pretty comfortable.  Because of the lengthened school year due to the strike I had a later start in the yard this summer. Been working on getting it cleaned up over the last few days and yesterday Dale got me over to Bachman's to get some flowers. The squirrels better leave 'em alone. I had originally planted lots of seed in the containers you see in the above photo but the squirrels dug 'em up. They're cute but they can be evil.  Anyway, despite the heat it was nice to be outside. Although high, the dewpoint was just within the upper limit of what

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 15

Friday, July 15, 2022 Smoked a big Romeo y Julieta this afternoon and really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun.  Yep, really liked this one.  Listened to a bunch of oldies songs. It's been a bit harder to relax this summer. Cigars help.

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 13

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 Just bought a tin of maduro Romeo y Julietas. I rather like 'em.  Took in the backyard.  Had a cocktail. Listened to some old favorites. Still just trying to relax after an extremely stressful 2 1/2 years. 

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 11

Monday, July 11, 2022 Enjoying the backyard. 

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 5

Tuesday, July 5, 2022 Cigar time.  Some new music. 

2022 - Summer of Cigars: July 3rd

Saturday, July 3, 2022 Smoked a Romeo y Julieta this afternoon and although I've smoked a number of these before and like them, this one, for some reason was a little bitter for my taste. It was passable but not my best experience with this brand. Had a nice Zoom call with Mom, Dale, Sam and his family. We had a really great conversation about some family history that's come out of the genealogy work I've been doing recently. I think it was interesting and meaningful for everyone which completely delights me. I'm hoping knowing and talking about our shared history will bring all of us closer together.  I'm still reminiscing about cigars during the summer of 1982 and some of the music I was listening to at the time. I remember the first time I heard "Gloria" by Laura Branigan. I had my Sony Walkman (the one Dad had given me about a month earlier during my 10-day stay in the hospital as I recovered from a bicycle accident) radio on as I was finishing mowing