
Showing posts from February, 2023

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Weekend

Saturday, February 18, 2023 Thank God it's the weekend. What a week. It was Valentine's Day on Tuesday and some of the kids passed out Valentine's. I don't know why emotions run so high. They're only pieces of paper. Anyway, it's nice to have the time to relax and I have Monday off.  And Samara Joy helps makes things even better. 

Macanudo Time

Thursday, February 16, 2023 And yet ANOTHER decent enough day to be outside with a cigar. Supposed to get cold and snow a lot this upcoming week.  Decided to have a little rum with this one.  After I finished the cigar and came inside I poured a little more and watched Ari Melber.

Valentine's Day Cigar

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 A teeny bit chillier than it's been but still nice enough for a cigar, a Romeo y Julieta, outside in the garage. 

Winding Down the Weekend

Sunday, February 12, 2023 Pleasantly warmish day with moments of brilliant sunshine which made it perfect for a cigar.  Partly cloudy but the temperature is right. A little gin. And some music.  For anybody from most anyplace other than Minnesota you might find it odd, even incomprehensible, to be hearing about temperatures in the 30s or 40s (or even 50s or 60s) as warm. If the normally extreme low of your climate is in the 30s and 40s, then yes, it would be weird. But if your extreme temperatures are below zero as ours are then 30s and 40s do NOT feel cold especially if you are in proper outerwear, in direct sunlight, and not in the wind. It can feel even warmer if there's a sudden shift within a day or two from below zero to anything "warmer" than that.  Besides, we know how to layer.

Another Great Day for a Cigar in the Garage

Saturday, February 11, 2023 Another great day for a cigar in the garage.   It's nice to have light after 5 p.m. Had some rum with my cigar; Plantation to be specific.  Listened to Samara Joy. Finished up my cigar as it was getting dimmer.  I went inside for cocktail hour and had a martini. Dale had some wine. And listened to some more Samara Joy. Glad to hear she won a Grammy recently.  Had the junk truck come pick up our living room sofa and chair earlier today. Thankfully we have a couple of other chairs to sit on as the new couch and chair won't be delivered until this Monday.  Nice day.

I Love the Winter Weather

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 Another nice warm day - warm for February, that is. Smoked another Ashton. I like 'em. They have an a certain intensity I find appealing. 

Winter Cigar

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 Weather's a little warmer today than it's been so it's best to take advantage. By warmer I mean above freezing.  Had a splash of rum before heading to the garage. I love that the sun's staying up later and later. Above photo taken at 5:10 p.m. It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. Can't wait. By the way, I'm really enjoying these Ashton's. They were recommended to me by one of the staff at Stogies on Grand in St. Paul. I'm glad he did because I probably wouldn't have tried them otherwise. 

Post Covid

Monday, February 6, 2023 So, I'm over Covid. My first day out of work was Tuesday, January 10, although I felt something might be up the Saturday before. I wasn't back in school until Wednesday, January 18. It was quite a long haul. Dale ended up getting it and Mom too. Thank God that's over with. I haven't been that sick in 30 years and this was still the worst. Anyway, I was well enough for a cigar on January 28. See above.  Had another one yesterday. Another Ashton.  Dry January is over so I had a little rum with my cigar out in the garage. Had a little more when I went back inside. It's gonna be a damp February. I really appreciated cutting back.