Winding Down the Weekend

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Pleasantly warmish day with moments of brilliant sunshine which made it perfect for a cigar. 

Partly cloudy but the temperature is right.

A little gin.

And some music. 

For anybody from most anyplace other than Minnesota you might find it odd, even incomprehensible, to be hearing about temperatures in the 30s or 40s (or even 50s or 60s) as warm. If the normally extreme low of your climate is in the 30s and 40s, then yes, it would be weird. But if your extreme temperatures are below zero as ours are then 30s and 40s do NOT feel cold especially if you are in proper outerwear, in direct sunlight, and not in the wind. It can feel even warmer if there's a sudden shift within a day or two from below zero to anything "warmer" than that. 

Besides, we know how to layer.


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