Labor Day Weekend 2023 - Saturday Cigar

Saturday, September 3, 2023

Until last Thursday morning I'd had a splint (see above) on my foot/leg for a couple weeks due to surgery on my fibula bone which I broke in early July. 

The splint came off and now I'm just wrapped in an ace bandage.

However, when moving about I really need to be in my boot (see above). 

As I mentioned in my previous post my injury is not keeping me from cigars. 

It's quite warm and my foot can get a little sweaty in this boot. 

The low humidity is helping to keep it very pleasant especially in the shade. 

Can't believe I'm starting up with classes on Tuesday. As always the summer races by. 

Would like to squeeze in another cigar tomorrow although I may end up being quite busy as I have to work on some last minute preparations for school. 

I need to be in the boot and crutches for another 3 and a 1/2 weeks. I'm excited to walk around more easily and also ride my bike again. 


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