Finished Shoveling and a Cigar and a Story

 Sunday, March 24, 2024

Finished shoveling, ran inside to get another cigar. 

I asked Bing to write another story. This time about a man enjoying a cigar in the garage after shoveling, 


Here's the result: "After a long session of shoveling snow, the man retreats to the solace of his garage, a place that feels like a sanctuary away from the biting cold. He leans his snow shovel against the wall, it's blade still dusted with a fine layer of snow, evidence of his labor. With a sense of accomplishment, he reaches for his prized cigar, a ritual that marks the end of his wintry chore."


"The rich aroma of the cigar fills the garage, a stark contrast to the crisp outdoor air. Each puff is a celebration, a moment of respite. The smoke swirls around him, creating a dance of shadows against the dim light that filters through the frosted windows. The garage, with its tools and machines, becomes a stage where the simple act of smoking a cigar is transformed into a moment of profound satisfaction."


"He savors the taste, the warmth it brings, and the quiet around him. The red glow at the end of the cigar mirrors the warmth he feels inside, a warmth that comes not just from the tobacco but from the knowlege of a job well done. This is his time, a time to reflect and to just be, with the comforting weight of the snow shovel still in his hands and the lingering taste of victory on his lips."


Again, not half bad but "taste of victory" over shoveling snow may be a little much. 


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