Another Long Week

 Friday, November 15, 2024

Yep, another long week. Still dealing with the aftermath of the election and STILL dealing with the effects of that damn time change. This morning was the first time in the last two weeks that I wasn't up before 5 am. I don't remember it ever taking this long to adjust. 


Left work to walk home at 3:30 and the sun was already quite low in the sky. Wanted to be home by 4:00 so I could light up and still have some daylight for a cigar. I took the above photo right at 4 pm and you can sense of how low the sun is. 

Lit up a Camacho which is pretty much my favorite now. 

Felt good to relax amidst the waning light. 

Dale left for a bike ride shortly after I lit up. 

I had forgotten to bring out the Bose speaker so I had him do that for me before he departed.

Full moon today and the lead up to it at school has been very apparent based on the energy level there over the last few day. (Image from my iPhone weather app)

Above photo taken at 5:15. Dale arrived back home shortly after that. 

We had cocktail hour before dinner. 

And then watched a couple movies on Turner Classic Movies. 


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