Winding Down the Week

Thursday, September 21, 2023 Nice day at work however yesterday was tough. Minor annoyances yet there were seeming 10 million of them and they all added up. Dale had a pretty rotten day as well. I've been pretty successful limiting my alcohol this month, usually once a week and only on the weekends, but today called for playing my emergency you-need-a-cocktail card. Was very reasonable and had a pre-made/store bought Old Fashioned. Didn't finish so I had a little bit left over for today. Lit up in the backyard. And finished yesterday's Old Fashioned. Listened to an eclectic mix of music. And relaxed. This past weekend was light jacket weather however it has warmed up a bit since then. Thank God tomorrow is Friday. Overall good week except for yesterday. Productive yet exhausting. That's teaching for you.